Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Here are some pictures from our small group Christmas Party...
The Kids
(yes, that's a lot of kids)

The "Big Girls"

The Moms *(#1,2,3,4,5,6)

The Dads *(#1,5,6,4)

Dad #3 (Dad #2 MIA)

The Babies

Baby P

Baby G

Baby G, Me, Baby P

*#s of Moms and Dads correspond to match couples.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I thought I'ld do a post dedicated to sisters. What a wonderful blessing they are to each other!

L and E

L and ML, M, E, and Baby G

This is my favorite picture of M and Baby G

G and Baby P

I love you this much!!!

I love this picture of G and Baby P

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hello all, I'm back! There will be many picture posts coming soon.
I have witnessed a few "firsts" in the past couple weeks.

It started with me getting glasses for the 1st time:
Then came making beautiful Baby P laugh for the 1st time
with her gorgous Big Sis G:
Then came the 1st time wonderful Big Sisters L, M, E
made precious Baby G laugh:
Then, lastly, came today. The 1st time I gave blood:

All of these things were so wonderful. How amazing that I can finally see. What a joy to be part of the reason Baby P laughed for the 1st time! How wonderful to see Baby G interact and laugh with all 3 of her big sisters for the 1st time! What an absolute blessing that I can give blood and possibley help save the life of someone. How great our God is!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hello all. I'm very sorry, but my internet is not hooked up right now. So new posts will have to wait for a while. I am currently at my grandma's, and I'm going to catch up on your blogs while I'm here. I hope to be back to posting sometime soon.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Long Time Coming and Cousins

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long. In between school, homework, babysitting, and cheerleading I just haven't made it on here to post. I do have a load of pictures though, so I'll try to get a few different posts up this week. First I'll leave you all with some pictures of my cousins, and a special apperance made by me.

Sitting on Mommy's Lap

Bouncing in Her Little Sister's Jumperoo

A Precious Smile

Some Cousinly Love

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lovers Leap!

Lover's Leap is a game we often play at cheerleading practice. I recently taught it to the small group kids, and the little girls love it! Here are some pictures of A and E demonstrating each pose.

Monkey on the Back


High Water

Santa's Lap

Wheel Barrel

Lover's Leap

Cute game, right? :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

L, M, E, and Baby G

These pictures are from last week. It just took me a while to load them up here. All the big sisters love Baby G so much. They are so happy to add the four little girl to their house.
Big Sis E and Baby G

Big Sis M and Baby G

Big Sis L and Baby G

Baby G has L and M's complete attention!
L and M loving on Baby G

All four of the sisters. Yes, I realize that not everyone is looking at the camera, and the one person who is does not look the least bit impressed, but they are still okay pictures of the girls. L, M, E, and Baby G

That's all for now...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Baby P, Her Big Sis G, and Me

I got some great shots of G and Baby P. They are both so photogenic.

Just an "okay I'll smile for you" picture.

A full-blow overjoyed smile!

G being silly.

Big sis G and her little sis Baby P.

Some cute pictures of our feet...

My feet look a little tan compared to their "little girl" skin

All of our toosies together

I love how we each turn our feet a different way.

Some legs and feet. The little girl legs make mine look long.

Now, a couple pictures of our precious hands...

The lighting is off on this picture. I tried to fix it, but that didn't work too great.

This one, on the other hand (no pun intended), I think is perfect!
Now, just for fun, some pictures taking using the self-timer.

Baby P and Me

As you see, she was so comfortable she fell asleep.

G and Me loving on sleeping Baby P.

Great picture! The only thing that would make it better would be Baby P looking at the camera instead of the TV. Very cute though!
Baby P, Her Big Sis G, and Me!

That's all folks!